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A Sick Baby and A New Baby

While doing my morning rounds, I found a baby calf that was pretty weak. His poop was pretty soft and had a little bit of blood in it. My guess is he has coccidiosis. Not an uncommon thing to see in cattle, especially young calves.

Not quite sure why he would have this, since they are turned out on fresh pasture. However, his immune system is compromised in some way and I’m sure the high temperatures and dry days are not helping.

Nevertheless, we managed to scoop him up before mama hooked us with her horns, put him on the quad, and she followed us into the corrals.

Now we can get a good look at him. I took his temperature and it was a little elevated. He wasn’t dehydrated which was good but mama‘s udder was a little tight so he hadn’t had a drink for a little while.

We dosed him with some vitamin B, which is a good way to give him a little boost, and Dr. Paul’s cocci-blast. Among other ingredients, it has walnut hulls and pecan fibers. All natural and easy on his system.

By the next day, he was up nursing on mama and she was anxious to get out into the pasture. I continue to check him every day and he seems to be getting better and better.

What a satisfying feeling when I know I have improved the quality of life for an animal!

Here he is feeling much better

And this one was born earlier today. If you look closely you can see the afterbirth.

It is truly a blessing to be able to observe all this fresh new life!

Happy trails,


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